Judy Wolf


Weeping Shadows
About the Author

Judith G. Wolf, Ph.D. is an artist and a poet. For many years, she has combined her deep psychological insight, extensive art experience, and unique view of the world into compelling poems. As part of her considerable body of work, she first published the fascinating collection Weeping Shadows. Now she is releasing her new collection, Tidbits.

Judy Wolf’s diverse education and professional background include a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, a Master’s degree in Elementary and Remedial Education, far-reaching experience in arts administration, and currently, service on several boards of directors including Arizona Opera and the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, Arizona.

Over a decade ago, Judy moved to Phoenix, Arizona with her husband. There, she co-founded a nonprofit art organization, Young Arts Arizona Ltd. that serves at-risk children by exhibiting their artwork and teaching art to children not served by other organizations. She has been running this program as the President and CEO with enormous success, serving thousands of children and making art widely accessible to the Metro Phoenix community.

Judy’s deep dedication to the arts, challenged children, and the community is rooted in her spirituality. Judy is a Reiki master. She is a partner in the organization Vibrations, which offers healing arts. In addition, she is working on her doctorate in Ministry at Universal Life Church. Of course, Judy continues to channel her multiple facets into winsome and intriguing poems.

Contact her via email at judy@judithgwolf.com

About the Book

Weeping Shadows contains poems of life. Delving deep into the pain and sometimes joy of living, Judy Wolf takes us on a journey into ourselves. The poems cause us to confront our emotions, which lie deep within. By sharing her own feelings, Judy Wolf helps us look at our own and accept or reject at will. Subtle humor is there as well, providing levity.


Dean Kwang-Wu Kim, Dean Herberger College of the Arts at Arizona State University, who wrote the introduction for the book said: “Judy asks each one of us to have the courage to take a moment to reflect upon who we are. These are poems to savor.”

Shadi Mogadime, Marketing Consultant & Buddhist Practitioner: “Judith Wolf paints an insightful portrait of life with humor and verve.”

Karl S. Von Senden, editor: VIEW Magazine: “Here, there be witches. Sere, compelling, thoughtful and creative… Dr. Wolf has even elevated the print layout of her prose into an art form. Read it once and your urge is to shield and protect the author from some of the dark images she conveys. Read it twice and that concern evolves into insight, occasionally morphing into a laugh-out-loud moment… Though having nothing to do with the occult, one still wonders how she has gotten into your head!”

A Glimpse:
Eva Died

She spoke to me
through sounds of

I heard
her silence

Poems from Weeping Shadows
served as inspiration
for the symphonic
Mason Bates

Weeping Shadows can be purchased through the following resellers:

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